By checking this box, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless Kia Ora Aesthetics (Pty) Ltd, the Spa and/or the Property Owner, Staff and Management from any injury, disease, death, damage or loss I may experience.
I declare that I will participate in all activities and/or treatments at the facilities and externally at my own risk.
I understand that the services received are not a substitute for medical care and any information and/or advice given by the aesthetician/ beauty therapist is for educational purposes only.
All the information supplied on this form is correct and I agree that I cannot hold the aesthetician/ beauty therapist responsible for any loss, damage and/or injury or illness howsoever caused.
I have read and understand the patient information provided.
I have had my procedure adequately explained to me by the therapist.
I have received all of the information I desire concerning my procedure and I understand all pre- and post-treatment recommendation and agree to adhere to them.
I freely assume any risks of complications or injury from known or unknown causes associated with related to or otherwise arising out of this procedure.
I have the right to consent to or refuse a procedure at any time prior to its performance.
I must notify the therapist if my medical history changes throughout the entire treatment.
I will inform the clinic within the first 3 weeks if I am not satisfied so that the problem can be addressed immediately.
I understand that a slot for my treatment has been reserved specifically for me. Should I not be able to attend the treatment at that specific time, I am obligated to provide 24 hour notice. If not, I understand that the session will be charged to me at the full price.